Wordweaving With Tashe

I am a writer. The more I say it, the more I believe it. FOR MATURE ADULTS ONLY. CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN. I DON'T WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INFLUENCING ANYBODY'S KIDS. I am WomanDaughterSisterWifeMotherFriend. I am InspiredIntuitionSpiritualSexy. I am an Emotional Parasite. An Empath. I am Weaver of Words. I write erotica, love, relationships, friendship. I write thoughts... I am ready. I attest that all postings are written by me - Tashe.

Location: Montreal, Canada

Aries Authentic Benevolent Curious Chocolate Daughter Ecstacy Fun Friend Good Great Growth Happy Interesting Inspired Intuition Jocular Kind Kink Love Lust Lady Magnitude Modern Mother Natural Nasty Open Passion Quality Ready Sexy Sister Sensuality Spiritual Talented Underread Vibrant Woman Wife Writer Wordweaver Wise X-rated Yummy Zealot

Wednesday, March 15, 2006

Anyone notice I was gone? (hehehe)


Been gone for awhile...writing a novel and the muse got me good and tight, wouldn't let go and today I'm taking the time for other things...sort of.

Takes a while for this blog thing to catch, Huh? I used to check everyday to see if anyone happened by to read what I was saying that day...No bites...after awhile you get a little discouraged, until you think, how many people must be doing this shit? How many blogs can one really go through in a day? Then I asked myself, "What is the theme of this blog that I've created? What is it here to do?"

I wanted a place to practice writing, and to practice being myself. I wanted somewhere to start a network of similar minded individuals that I could learn from and maybe teach something to.
I wanted to talk about sex and love and relationships and family and friendship and spirituality and what's going on in my head, or my heart today....covers a lot of material. Thus, the theme is Life. Whatever Life means for me today...

I guess that's why I still have the same 4 comments in my blog...

I need a schtick! A lure...a byline...

Maybe I should just post an erotic short story, or part of it, and see what happens?

Maybe I should talk about my process writing the book.

Maybe I'll just write about whatever the hell I want!

I'll post the short, or a piece of it...stick around, you won't be sorry.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Where did you find it? Interesting read » »

Tuesday, April 24, 2007 2:44:00 PM  

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