Wordweaving With Tashe

I am a writer. The more I say it, the more I believe it. FOR MATURE ADULTS ONLY. CONTENT NOT SUITABLE FOR CHILDREN. I DON'T WANT TO BE RESPONSIBLE FOR INFLUENCING ANYBODY'S KIDS. I am WomanDaughterSisterWifeMotherFriend. I am InspiredIntuitionSpiritualSexy. I am an Emotional Parasite. An Empath. I am Weaver of Words. I write erotica, love, relationships, friendship. I write thoughts... I am ready. I attest that all postings are written by me - Tashe.

Location: Montreal, Canada

Aries Authentic Benevolent Curious Chocolate Daughter Ecstacy Fun Friend Good Great Growth Happy Interesting Inspired Intuition Jocular Kind Kink Love Lust Lady Magnitude Modern Mother Natural Nasty Open Passion Quality Ready Sexy Sister Sensuality Spiritual Talented Underread Vibrant Woman Wife Writer Wordweaver Wise X-rated Yummy Zealot

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Updates and Good Vibes...

I've finished my first novel.
I can't believe I have finished my first novel. Ladies and Gentleman...Tashe has completed "Love's Groove."
I started it and I finished it.
Thank you, God.
This is so fucking huge for me.
It's the passion in me, manifested. It's the culminaton of an idea into reality, that's what this story, this accomplishment means to me. If no one ever publishes it and I have it only to myself, I'll still have another something that I said I would do one day and I've done it. And because I've done it once, I have proof that I can do it again. "Because still I rise..." Proof for myself when I make excuses and procrastinate, and proof for others that will support and therefore motivate me to manifest this passion, that this wonderful gift from God will be shared...This is no one hit wonder...these words to enjoy Will Keep Coming.
And we'll all experience continued abundance.
Sounds fucking good to me! LOL!!!
With love, I write words that not only engage a person's physical and mental selves, but their emotional and spiritual selves, too.
That 's why I've chosen to write; to reawaken and rejuvenate the hearts of my readers, my congregation of angels, whose support ensures success...I am so grateful.
...and I get to make you laugh and arouse you at the same time...
That's why I'm supposed to write.
Well, it's done and I'm very proud of myself and I'm sure you will all love it. It will stay in your nighttable drawer, I guarantee it.
Send some of your loving power my way and I'll remember you every day fer shur!!! The readers make it worthwhile...always the readers...
Thank You!!
Peace and Good, Good, Love

The Tree

Your leaves seem to drip and cascade
over your body…
Providing a curtain for privacy.
While the solid, steady root of you
grounds your energy to the Earth.
Your body leans
Slightly to the left…
And bends at a most inviting angle.
I sense that you're a little selfish…
And that your nature is Sensual.
You, a voyeur in a private room
that beckons me in;
to remove my clothes.
To dance and sway with Wind;
As it created music through your leaves.
The very tips, like fingertips
brush against the grass
Boasting of your gentle caress…
I'm hypnotized by your touch.
So under your canopy I sit
And close my eyes to the sounds
you whisper around me.
The wind participates in my seduction
As it swirls delicious patterns over my puckered breasts
And lifts the tiny hairs on my body…
Even they enjoy the caress.
I'm amazed by the texture of the grass at your feet
Thick and rich and earthy;
I sink my fingers in…
So thick, it resists me and holds firm.
As I comb it through,
each blade individually
seduces my hands, my wrists…
…and I want the seduction to spread.
To my arms, to tickle my armpits.
To the sensitive tips of my nipples.
Spreading, spreading; the seduction
Compels me to lie down…
And I take its touch with my whole body
The texture paints desire over my entire form.
The scent keeps me kinetic,
I draw it into my pores;
verdant, earthy scent
leaves a green stain.
On my hips, my knees…
My shoulder blade…
It appears that I've bruised you.
And you have left your stubborn residue…
So I will not forget…
I am aflame.
My own hands rub it in.
Greedy for it, I watch as the sun
And your leaves
Create patterns on my skin
that I trace intently with my fingertips…
Ever changing,
The Wind seduces still;
My fingers find every spot
On my grass stained body.
My throb suddenly feels yours…
…and yours is in frenzy…
Dignified, Tree,
Your LifeForce bubbles over for me.
…and mine is only human…
So I refuse to take it slow.
My already enflamed form
opened up and allowed the plunge…
Eyes squeezed shut,
my fingers
became wood…
impaling with feeling
to the very beat of synchronized
Like a throbbing in my ear
I heard nothing but felt it with every Sense…
My fingers pinched and pulled on one hard nipple
While I imagined your leaves assaulting the other
There began inside me a mantra
A Cacophony of Human Sex Sounds
And I felt your roots quicken…
As if I'd said the magic words
necessary to free your Spirit.
Your wood penetrated my soul and
with my legs; it opened up.
My Woman's Rain spilled over
To regenerate the grass at your feet.
Your foliage smothered my sounds
And Nature's own surround sound
amplified my distress…
I stopped moving and absorbed your tension.
Taking from you
while I gave back
the essence of me
at your feet.
I felt the earth move…
And when my eyes could see again
My vision blurred
With unshed tears
As my body awaited
your descending leaves…
Fluttering on Wind
To land like your moisture
All over my body.
I accept your rupture;
and I am touched
by your gifts.
Spirits; with interconnecting paths…
You gave me your love,
Manifested in desire
And its glow lingers on.
I also gave my love,
Manifested in desire…
To you,
The Tree.